tuesday, july twenty-second, two-thousand and fourteen

Welcome to the new website! This refresh has been a long time coming. My initial goal in recreating my website were to add more of an emphasis on the commission side of my photography business (Yes! BUSINESS! I am an official LLC as of April!) I have been marketing myself as a wedding and portrait photographer on other fronts and it has become time to follow suit with this website as well.

Here you can find updates and teasers of shoots that i've done as well as anything newsworthy that may happen on the business side of things. I will be linking to projects I'm working on and groups I'm working with. Sprinkled in these posts will be some of the more personal photos that come out of my camera each week as well. So, without further ado, this is what I've been up to!

Two weeks ago, mega-babe and talented photographer friend Crystal Liepa and I took a day trip to the flooded portion of the Minnehaha Creek.




Another friend joined us later and we ended up having the loveliest photoshoot. The water was pushing out and over trees, the outlying field, and even passing over the concrete walking paths that border the creek. We found thousands of night crawlers and even saw a trout jump. 


Making as much use as possible of the flooded lakes, I also shot some promotional photographs for a new band formed from members of The Idle Hands. This time at night, I was able to use some cool lighting set-ups. Stay 'tooned for their debut. 

I am still working on photos from a recent cabin trip, so here are a couple of photos from a day trip to wisconsin that I took this weekend

And tradition tends to stick. Like the last blog, I will be leaving you with a song-- in honor of her amazing performance at First Avenue last week here is Sharon Van Etten from her latest outstanding record. 

                                                            Sharon Van Etten / Break Me

Zoe Prinds-Flash

Minneapolis & New York based portrait and wedding photographer. Specializes in weddings, families, events, portraits and music photography.


saturday, august second, two-thousand and fourteen