
Sarah Kruger, musician

digital & film photography / listen to Sarah’s music here


Eaux Claires IV

Happy to be back shooting for Eaux Claires, year four. It was an exciting year to be working for this festival-- lots of small stages, collaboration, and art. Here are my favorite shots out of many, many images and in no special order. Please take time to look up the five other photographers on our team: Graham Tolbert, Montgomery Sheridan, David Szymanski, Scott Kunkel and Sarah Ferraro

*If you are interested in buying or leasing these images, please shoot me an email for permissions and pricing. Thank you!


Promotional imagery for band, Stolyette.

Eaux Claires 2017

It was such fun to be apart of the Eaux Claires photo team again this year. It took a lot of time to whittle down this collection to a group small enough that I felt sure at least some people would scroll all the way through. It was great working with our team this year-- I think we all fed off each others creativity-- which pushed us in directions I don't know that we would pursued alone. I felt like a lot of the performances this year, at least visually, were very thought-provoking. I attempted to be more careful in my compositions and I took fewer photos overall. Intention was on my mind a lot throughout the two days and I hope that comes out in the work.

Please check out the work of fellow photogs-- Graham Tolbert, Montgomery Sheridan, David Szymanski, Charlie Ward, and Scott Kunkel. Here are a selection of photographs taken at this years festival. 

Inquiries regarding leasing or repurposing any images, please contact me via email!